Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Pendulum Swings Again

The Republicans will be crowing about regaining control of the House. But don't forget that when a Republican president is in office, the Democrats usually rally in the mid-term congressional elections. It works both ways. And the pendulum swings again. Politics is like the description of life from Shakespeare's Macbeth: "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trying To Find Myself

I'm trying to find myself.
Has anybody seen me lately?
I know I'm around here somewhere.
Where am I now that I need me?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Freaks In Love

I just discovered this song by Elton John (lyrics by Bernie Taupin) from the album Peachtree Road. I told Melodie it's our new theme song. (See him perform it live here.)

Me and you we're not that pretty
Me and you could use a lift
I'm out here on the corner crying
I got ribbons but I got no gift

Me and you we're all we've got
Me and you could be our curse
We've got bleeding hearts and flowers
You got strings but you got no purse

We're just freaks in love
Saints above
Shine on our sweet life
Happy is the union
Of fools and freaks alike

And fearless are the idiots
Among the hawks and doves
We're on the outside looking in
A couple of freaks in love

There's a wonder in this weakness
It's so beautiful sometimes
Across the universe we're lightning
In the race we're a step behind

Me and you we're not for everyone
Me and you we're damaged goods
We're antique and unacceptable
And just misunderstood

We're just freaks in love
Saints above
Shine on our sweet life
Happy is the union
Of fools and freaks alike

And fearless are the idiots
Among the hawks and doves
We're on the outside looking in
A couple of freaks in love

Monday, February 22, 2010

Movin' On Up!

We've been living in this apartment for almost two years. It's been too small - a one-bedroom when we'd had a two-bedroom before, and still had two-bedrooms worth of stuff. Some of it we hadn't even had room to unpack since we've been here. And there's barely room for us to move around, let alone an energetic cat.

Then came the bugs. Bedbugs. Apparently they've become widespread in this part of the country recently. We tried a spray but it didn't help. The apartment management called in an exterminator who told us that when they spray the place, the bugs tend to hide anywhere they can, including things like books. We would need to remove and/or bag up all books, papers, boxes, and anything like that they could hide in. Problem was, we had piles of boxes and no place to put them.

Our lease had run out and we went to the office to sign the new one, and it turned out they had a two-bedroom apartment available for only a little more than we are paying now. We went over and looked at it and it has much more storage space as well, and more cupboards in the kitchen. So we signed the new lease and will be moving this week.

We can get all of the stuff that the bedbugs could hide in out before they treat the bed and the room, and then we can move that. So the problems with space, the cat, and the bugs (as well as noisy neighbors) were all solved at once. Praise God!

Monday, February 8, 2010

What's Wrong With Politics

The following is an excerpt from a conversation that Craig Ferguson had with journalist Carl Bernstein on The Late Late Show. I think it beautifully sums up what's wrong with politics today.

CRAIG: I have this idea that it used to be you were allowed to disagree with people. And you would disagree with them - I disagree with you, you disagree with me, we argue about it, everybody raise their hand, who gets the majority, that's what it is, we move on. Now, if I disagree with you or you disagree with me, I say, "You're stupid. You're stupid for disagreeing with me..."

CARL: Worse. That's mild for what's being said right now.

CRAIG: It's like, "You're a stupid traitor, because you disagree with me."

CARL: There is an ugliness in our politics, again, that has increased over the last forty years, that has resulted in a kind of ideological gridlock, in which one side doesn't recognize the legitimacy of the other's arguments, or doesn't really listen to them. And again, the national interest is the last interest that gets served. So we're in a period where there's got to be some reform. The question is whether or not a president of the United States can go to the country and say, "Look at this institution, look how it's performing, the Congress of the United States." It's not an accident that Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain all wanted to get the hell out of that place and run for president.


CRAIG: I really think that you're right. There's an insult impetus involved in this. Everybody's trying to make everybody else look like a fool just because they have opposing opinions.

CARL: I think it's more than making the other side look foolish. I think it has to do with contempt - contempt for the other side's ideas, contempt for the legitimacy of the other side.

CRAIG: I take it further than that. I think it's contempt for the people of the United States and their wishes. What happens is that the wishes of the politicians are put ahead... the ambitions of the politicians are put ahead - not in every case but in many cases - are put ahead of the constituents of the politicians who elected them in the first place.

The entire conversation can be seen on YouTube: